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With news The Daily Beast is now going to be run by a Murdoch toady that helmed right wing rags that carry water for MAGA types I'm just thinking about if there are any major outlets not owned and/or run by right wing or right wing people and/or owned by right wing super rich people/hedge funds. The MAGA or at the very least non-MAGA Republican boosters essentially have the run the place. All newspapers, all cable news channels except MSNBC in the evening, the overwhelming majority of local news stations, the overwhelming majority of radio stations, Politico, The Hill, Vox, HuffPost (thanks to Vivek fuckwads new ownership), Substack, Twitter, Truth Social, all the Meta properties, et cetera. I could go on. The best the rest of us get is bothesidism faux balance bullshit that doesn't piss off mega-rich owner types at ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS and small scale operations like Flaming Hydra, 404 media, Ghost, Mastodon/ActivityPub fediverse. Talk about a very narrow space. Grr... #uspoli #rant

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