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On the #Meta controversy.

When I joined the fediverse I was told that its decentralised nature made it impossible for a big corporation to take it over. Then why are people so afraid of Meta?

I didn't come here to be isolated from the outside world. I just don't want to be controlled by one single corporate entity.

But some activists seem to think we should build a different kind of wall and be hostile to anything "commercial".

I'm not up for that.


in reply to aristeon89

@aristeon89 There are arguments and examples in the past such as Google joing xmpp but then once integrated, purposely making so many changes it slowed the free version development as they tried to keep relevant with Google and became a non competor until Google dropped them. Also worried about algorithm culture coming over here even if by proxy, but it looks we don't have a choice at this point.
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 I agree about the algorithm culture, but theoretically every instance could implement algorithms, and there's been talk about it on Mastodon already. Btw, Mastodon will implement quote posts, which I don't like. So, this stuff is already happening.

If the fediverse can be taken over, then the whole premise was false. And the solution is not to build a wall and keep in only the most ideologically committed people running purity tests.

in reply to aristeon89

@aristeon89 The fediverse can never be fully taken over because people can isolate or defederate so it wasn't a false promise, People are more worried about the larger collective of the fediverse. Friendica, misskey and calckey have always had quote posts so that's not as impactful to the culture as algorithms would. I can see mastodon falling prey to trying to keep up with threads, with Friendica, misskey and calckey will just do their own thing if it gets too bad. Friendica already has a blusky bridge just a few months after the api came out, because its designed specifically to integrate with everything if the user or host wants to. Couldn't go to another platform now if I wanted to because I have too many diaspora friends here I follow.
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 if it can't be taken over, then we should just stop trying to isolate ourselves from the outside world. It's self defeating.

If the promise holds true, we'll have independent instances to choose from, but we'll also have more people to interact with.

in reply to aristeon89

God the purity test nonsense infuriates me. Baby goes out with the bathwater every time.