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Yes, watching a competitive eating challenge video is a potentially odd choice while doing a water fast...but...these cheesecakes look so good. Trying to wolf down 33 pieces of cheesecake for a total of 41,000 calories in 24 hours...maybe not. Hell with the last several months of having my diet dialed in even eating full portions of entrees at some restaurants I often eat at has been a challenge. #cheesecake #food #FoodChallenge #ErikTheElectric #CheesecakeFactory #fasting

Pinky Floyd reshared this.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

This does have me thinking about maybe setting up a challenge to try every flavor of cheesecake they have over time though...

Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

Back in the '70s there was a restaurant in Hollywood that served an all dessert lunch - seven courses of desert - 14,000 calories. It began with fruit soup and wound its way through strawberry shortcake. Only one of us finished - and she was a maniac long distance bike racer - the rest of us didn't walk out of the place, we hopped and jumped.