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I know I've been posting a lot on Bluesky and mostly not flattering stuff. The fact is we have our own shit on the fediverse to work out. We have ease of onboarding problems, ease of use problems, account portability problems, etc. Perhaps some of what they or others are doing could help fix some of those problems, my big beef being the account portability issue. However it is important to be aware of the hype bubble that is blowing up around Bluesky versus the reality of what is going on there. They are getting the full court press in the MSM and tech media. What comes of it is TBD. We saw the same hype cycle with Mastodon in the Twitter Migration, and that sword obviously cut both ways. In the mean time I want to work to get the fediverse, specifically my network Friendica, in a place where I can just recommend it to my non-tech savvy relatives versus recommending it with qualifiers at best to even my tech savvy friends. #fediverse #friendica #bluesky #mastodon #TwitterMigration

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in reply to Hank G ☑️

@Hank G ☑️ Fully agree. (And boy how I wished "we" as the Fediverse would be able to work our own stuff, starting with account portability, maybe nomadic identity, better compatibility of things between instances and systems, ...).
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Also the recognition that servers are not free so after a certain amount of posts there’s a need for either advertising or subscription. I've heard the Mastodon sign up page is offering an instance as default and people have suggested rotating the default instance.

The Mastodon insurance I'm on includes translation, I don't see why specific instances couldn't be ad supported.

in reply to Cass

in reply to Hank G ☑️

I'd say on boarding is less of a #fediverse problem, more of a mobile client problem.
When Twitter onboards, they ask your interest and suggests people to follow. A fedi client could do the same by scanning hash tag posters, or simply sub them.
And if a client funnels new users to certain busy servers that deliver a vibrant local feed, that helps engagement (seems to be the direction is choosing). It all comes at the potentally steep cost of centralization, but once on boarded and engaged, new users can fan out from there, or not.
While I am pleased with my own self curated experience here, I know its a big obstacle for new people who are used to being force fed by algorithms.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Yeah, the instance I'm on is looking at peertube but had stated it's expensive and not guaranteed to come out of beta. I've upped my monthly donation. One possibility is ISPs offering an instance like they offer email. Governments (well Canada anyway) could include funding for bounty features as part of the CanCon/Internet bills they're passing.

Then there's the question of how many people actually care about surveillance capitalism. I don't too much because I'm not a target…old, non-US and for the longest time Google thought I was a middle aged white guy because of my interests.

in reply to Cass

The answer is not many or even if there are a lot it isn't most people. It isn't just a convenience factor thing either since they readily jump to new services that do all the same tricks even when there isn't FOMO yet (see Tik Tok).
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Absolutely but people are notoriously short sighted.