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I recently saw a mentalist show where the guy pulled off very impressive tricks that appeared to be psychic powers of prediction. Of course like James Randi he was clear that he has no special powers it is all slight of hand. I used to say that my biggest problem with psychics/mediums was them bilking vulnerable desperate people of money. But watching these displays I'd say it is even more insidious than that. #skeptic #skepticism
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Why should folks not believe in psychics, mediums, Tarot card readers, etc.?

They believe their governments are doing all the right things for them. They believe politicians' campaign promises. They believe that warranty on the product they just bought will be honored. They believe that there's a bearded ol' fellow up in the clouds who loves and watches over them. They believe all the shit they see in their social media streams and from their pals sending them chain-emails on the Internet.

So, yeah... why not psychics, too?

The ignorance and outright stupidity of some of my fellow H. sapiens on this rock never ceases to amaze and amuse me.