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in reply to Hank G ☑️

I like the docs/youtubers that cite studies (not that that isn't without a lot of pitfalls). Cultural non-negotiables is such a big deal. Hypothetically speaking, if smoking was a cultural non-negotiable for you, you'd have to find a doc that optimizes within that constraint. General audience doctors like to advise "walk a little and eat the DASH diet, don't drink, don't smoke" because none of those offends anyone, but imho, none are radical enough to change lifespans/healthspans.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Some Work, All Play! The hosts can be a bit much for some people—lots of talk of sex, genitalia, and bodily fluids—but 99% of their training advice is based on current science.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I love Maintenance Phase. That said, it’s not so much advice as an exploration of the science and history behind certain diets and fitness trends.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

try the swap podcast. Warning: they over share in their personal lives, and tell jokes that only they think are funny, but they are real, and the information is real. It's running focused, but I know non runners that listen to it. They're good people.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

The Real Science of Sport and Stronger by Science are both heavily science focused.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

The Peter Attia Drive Podcast is exactly what you're looking for. Highly scientific and very practical at the same time. The guy behind it is a medical doctor who used to work at a major consultancy.
in reply to Andrew Edstrom

I read Attia’s book on longevity recently and found it useful and informative. Hank, his thinking ties in well with your very quantitative data-driven approach.

#longevity #health #QuantifiedSelf

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Drew McManus

I heard him on The Rich Roll podcast talking about his book. His recommended exercise regiment for "guaranteeing to live to 100" (no you aren't) seems extreme to say the least. His tone/pace made me tense listening to him talk to be honest though. Not sure if it is tempo, intensity, whatever but it didn't work for me. have thought about picking up his book though.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

You have pretty much limited yourself to the Big Pharma crowd of "doctors" who drop dead in their earlier years, yet promote their claims as life extending.

I have studied this stuff for years. I find certain truths.

  1. Obey your Parents for life extension.
  2. Find ways to destress your life.
  3. Maintain physical strength. This means more than the squab down the road. Serious strength.
  4. Eat as close to God's design as possible. If meat, grass fed or the like. If vegetable/fruit, non-gmo, and organic or close.
  5. If it sounds unnatural, stay away from it.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I highly recommend Peter Khatcherian for simple, relevant, no gay, sissy, fashion girl like weightlifting knowledge. He is straight to the point, looks excellent and actually IS strong. Most online personalities are sissy boys who look strong and are weak, or want to kiss themselves, they are so in love with the mirror, or behave effeminately.
in reply to baptist_joshua_on_youtube

@baptist_joshua_on_youtube as a gay guy who has you ignored but I'm still seeing your comments can I just say fuck off with your "no gay" this and "no sissy" that. Your comments and interactions with my posts are not wanted or welcome. It shows why the ignore function is insufficient at best on these networks but it is all we have. So not to poke a troll but whatever...just fuck off.
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
@Billy W. 🏳️‍🌈 Yeah there are a few other running podcasts I listened to back in the day alongside it. This was when I really really first got into running. I don't remember what the other ones were at this point though :(
in reply to Hank G ☑️

in reply to Hank G ☑️

From the BBC, a whole range of health & diet stuff from Dr Michael Mosley.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Tim Stickland

Ah nice I didn't realize he had a podcast. He was featured in a video I referenced on my long term fasting methodology post.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

the Sunday plodcast has great guests focusing on the uk distance running scene. They mainly focus on elite athletes, but their recent episodes with Anita Bean on nutrition and Richard Blagrove on strength might be a good place for you to start.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Ten Junk Miles: the human side of running especially ultras.
Bio hacking is cool and all but it can become repetitive or contradictory.
in reply to Doug Lane 🌈 BLM

Thanks for the recommendation! On the "biohacking", yeah I'm very torn on the term myself. I mean it in the way it sort of started out at: tweaking diet, lifestyle, and exercise based on longer term scientific data and doing in situ tracking to see how that is working for oneself. In the last decade it has turned into doing stuff like taking crazy amounts of supplements, which individually don't have any long term data on efficacy, doing various therapies, which have equally little data at best, and obsessing about short term oscillation in curves that we can now get continuous measuments of like never before, like blood glucose. There is even some guy who claims he has spent $2 million and is reversing his age doing some ungodly amount of interventions each and every day. Honestly, I'm not seeing it but more power to him I guess. If there is a better term to describe what I'm doing I'd love to switch to it.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Do you listen to Dr. Peter Attia all? I haven’t a lot, but he seems to be pretty well informed and focused on research. I found this episode on protein very interesting.

in reply to z_cress

I've heard him on a couple of podcasts, most recently Rich Roll covering his new book. I'm heavily considering getting his book even though it seems that his protein consumption recommendations seem way higher than all the other longevity research I've been following. That's doubly true if it drives excess consumption of meat. His workout recommendations also seem excessive, not as in unhealthy but unnecessary. The only comment I really chaffed at when I heard him in an interview, which I admit may have been to get soundbite-like and not what he says in his book, is that this "guarantees" you'll live to be 100. That is not feasible. I've thought about trying to listen to his podcast but something about the way he talks that I can't put my finger on makes me tense in the same way listening to the Oxyclean guy in the infomercials does. He may have a different presentation in his podcasts though. I'm hoping that Red Pen Reviews eventually reviews his book. I consider them the gold standard on that.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

That’s for sharing your perspective. I don’t know much about him so I appreciate your thoughts. Honestly, the guy he interviewed was more interesting than him. (Which, I guess is the point of an interview.)