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There was a time, when I dearly loved #TerryPratchett and #DouglasAdams, and they will always have a sweet spot in my heart for the many laughs and for all the cultural heritage, they left us.

However: Whenever I now grab one of their #books, their style and language feels terribly outdated and, frankly, boring to me.

Unpopular opinion, or do you agree?

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in reply to Mina

Nope. I expect you're bored because you've already read them.
Their wordcraft remains timeless.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen


The thing is: I love re-reading books.

There are hundreds, I read twice and at least a few dozen, I read five times and still some, I read more than ten times.

So, I don't think this is the issue.

in reply to Mina

While I don't quite agree (I think they are still fresh even today, while other authors like Tolkien feel stale to me), now I'm curious, what are some names that in your opinion are at least comparable to Pterry and Adams (those are biiig shoes to fill!) but dont feel too outdated/boring?

I love those two, but I think they were leaves of a branch that has been barren for years 😞