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#rentcontrol is a short term fix to a much more long term problem. In our current screwed up system all it will do is make the housing crisis worse as developers will build less causing an even larger shortage of housing. The other three things that MUST happen along with rent control is the uncoupling of wall street like #ElizabethWarren called for in her presidential campaign so market speculation stops jacking up the prices of homes, ending of R1 single family only zoning, also something that #Warren called for, and well built government housing. Without these three other things happening, rent control will just make the issue worse long term. Regulating airBnB will also have a decent impact as well.

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in reply to anubis2814

**What Is Rent control
"A government program that limits the amount of $$ that can be demanded for leasing or renewing a lease on a home. Rent control is enacted by municipality, and the details vary widely. All are intended to keep living costs affordable for lower-income residents."

"Rent control is not widespread in the United States. According to a 2019 study by the Urban Institute,only 182 municipalities in the U.S. enact rent control laws… all of them are in New York, New Jersey, California, Maryland, or Washington, D.C…As of Feb 2022, 31 states have laws that preempt or forbid municipalities from enacting rent control measures..."

“...spiraling costs of living and stagnant wages have created a housing affordability crisis for moderate-income residents and those on fixed incomes. Oregon is the first state in the U.S. to enact a statewide rent control law…restricting annual rent increases to 7% plus the increase in the consumer price index.3"
in reply to anubis2814

Def restrictions on short-term rentals.

All multi unit buildings should have a % of rent controlled units.
in reply to Lyndee

@Lynne Dubois And rent controlled like they have in Germany, not the BS rent stabilization.