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Today is day two of five of the "Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast" that I've devised. It is the first "real" fast day, IOW nothing more than non-caloric beverages and ideally none with artificial sweeteners. As with yesterday I'm intending to live blog here with the same details being echoed at the below blog post throughout the day. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast

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in reply to Hank G ☑️

06:15: up and at ’em! Time to get a little coffee (no creamer or suger of course) to start the day, which will be a pretty full one at that. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
Unknown parent

How long each week do you do it for?
in reply to Hank G ☑️

08:00: Yoga and 30 minutes of light cardio in. Now just some SodaStream carbonated water and off to the races… #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
Unknown parent

Nice! Yeah I do find I’m a bit more mindful about eating when doing any of these fasting protocols, from intermittent to alternate day to multi day. It also helps me feel satiated earlier. Granted I can still be ready to eat again 15 minutes later but am not necessarily hungry to eat again 15 minutes later.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

09:00 I'm thinking that having flavored calorie free drinks helps break up the monotony that can drive people crazy with a true 100% water fast. Seltzer over water helps, even if one doesn't put any flavoring in it. Something with a bit more flavor like coffee, even decaf, is even better though. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I'll be watching here @Hank G ☑️. I fasted (I did allow myself some clear juices) for a week many years ago. Good luck! Cheers, -Randy
in reply to Hank G ☑️

12:30 as is usual for the first day of these fasts, lunchtime comes and the brain/body are like “ok where is the damn food?” It’s the same as when you travel and shift a couple time zones and your body craves lunch or dinner at “the wrong” time. Ah well just another seltzer water is all it got. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

13:55 Even on normal days I get that mid-day siesta feeling. I’m sure that the fast is exacerbating it though. Time for 6 ounces of high test coffee to perk up for a bit. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

14:35 The aroma of the pizza the person just walked by with flashed me back to that vile plastic wrapped reheat version we got served in grade school which tasted vile even to my 2nd grade taste buds. It’s making my mouth water right now though lol. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

19:05 -- Just over 24 hours into the core part of the fast. Dinner is a cup of black decaf coffee and some flavored seltzer water. So far so good, although part of my brain's coping with the hunger seems to be doing meal planning for next week. I have a couple delicious Indian recipes from Chetna Makan of Great British Bake Off fame I want to try. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Simon

For later this week? Her mom's recipe for Alu Ghobi and a Punjabi style red kidney bean curry called Rajma.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

22:45 -- That's a wrap for Day 2. Besides getting pretty hungry around meal times everything was status quo. I think I can feel some loopiness coming on but nothing quite yet. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
Do you have a link? I was looking for the channel but couldn't find it.
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
Oh those recipes on their YouTube site look great!