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:06 and :29 seconds into this Trump ad

text on the newspaper graphics:

"Unified Reich"

Almost half of American voters and "conscientious objectors": this is fine.

in reply to flexghost.

@flexghost. "The economy booms" With zero evidence that it will as he tanked it the last time and the next guy had to clean up the mess.
Jesus Christ is DOES SAY THAT! Unified Reich!
in reply to Mayor of Nerdocrumbesia 🏡

@jchaven So it has to be officially pushed why? He has utilized these channels many time
in reply to flexghost.

Yeah, I get it. It does look like he posted it but, the campaign is blaming a "staffer":

"“This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” Karoline Leavitt, the campaign press secretary, said in a statement."

reshared this

in reply to Mayor of Nerdocrumbesia 🏡


Sorry not good enough.

He's literally used this before over white supremacy imagery

HistoPol (#HP) reshared this.

in reply to flexghost.

I agree. My concern was this may have been created by someone trying to smear him (like he needs help with that) then it comes out it wasn't him at all.
in reply to Mayor of Nerdocrumbesia 🏡

@jchaven understandable but the links to groups with new nazi ideology run deep for this to deserve good faith assessment
in reply to flexghost.

jfc 😑 I’m sure they’ll deny that he endorsed it even though his staffers pushed it so it’ll be another “I’m not a Nazi” wink wink 😉
in reply to Enoch

@enoch already have.

Trump's team already saying it was a staffer and it was unofficial and blahblah

They've already used that one. There are too many of these mulligans to dismiss

in reply to flexghost.

of coarse they have. And seriously 💯 there’s been so many of these i knew that is exactly what they would do. This is trump through and through. And if he was on tape saying it then he’d say it was just a joke 😑 he’s a fucking Nazi. No Doubt
in reply to flexghost.

@enoch Mr. Business Man sure has the worst people, or he can’t keep control of them, or both.
in reply to flexghost.

#TFG #Elections2024

You are right, the end of the headline below #MAGA! really says, "the creation of a Unified Reich."

What is TFG targeting? Doing one better than #Gilead and annexing #Canada and/or #Mexico?!?

in reply to flexghost.

One more thought: a "Unified Reich" doesn't really go well with "state rights".

But anyone buying into the rest of this ad is probably too stupid to notice.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to flexghost.

I just heard the official statement was "a staffer missed the reference".

What kind of excuse is that? What does that even mean?
What, you put it in there to prank them and they just missed it?

You'd have to be a complete and utter moron to even consider this for a moment. And yet news outlets report on it like there is some merit to the argument.

Also, this thing is full of nazi dogwhistling. "Globalists", "Peace through strength" and so on. It's an announcement. Better believe it.

But journalism is failing completely in dealing with it. That is the actual disgrace. At no point can you apply political neutrality to nazis. They fall outside the realm of political opinions. Standing firmly against them is a matter of survival, not opinion.

in reply to Orange Lantern

@orangelantern Trump has used this exact excuse three times and each time he gets to push further into white supremacy with impunity