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I'm about to embark on my second week long fast (3 days "water" + transition in/out days) targeting potential reduction in cancer risks. I've made some small tweaks from the lessons learned from the one in July, hence Version 2.0.

#health #longevity #fasting #cancer #MultiDayFast

in reply to hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1

I went into that a bit in my write up in July on the theoretical benefits of fasting. The research Dr. Valter Longo and others have done shows evidence in cellular and animal models as well as indicators in biomarkers in humans. There was also a more direct experiment Longo did with people on chemotherapy being divided into one group that fasted through it and in that study there was a statistical benefit to that group. So those are some good indicators that it may help but they are all very preliminary at best.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

@Hank G ☑️ ""So those are some good indicators that it may help but they are all very preliminary at best.""

So .. PLEASE do NOT ever even THINK about telling people that it can help avoid cancer.....

Every cancer survivor will be offended by that. Me included.

Do not promote quack cures.

in reply to hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1

in reply to hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1

...and I'm specifically doing this and other things (trying to dial in diet and exercise, getting sufficient sleep, avoiding smoking, avoiding sun exposure, etc. etc.) to fight of the specter of cancer that haunt me from my own family history and my own problems with skin cancer. So I don't appreciate you jumping down my throat in the least.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

So refreshing to see someone apply prolonged fasting for cancer prevention! 👍 How has it been for you so far?
in reply to Maja Reberc

I documented my past experiences in my blog but TL;DR is so far so good in terms of execution but whether this is helping reduce my overall cancer risk is literally unknowable. The literature points to good its efficacy in cellular and rodent models and human clinical trials show positive indicators as well. We won't have the potential to know conclusively how much it moves the cancer risk needly without randomized control trials that play out over decades. Since the cost for me is zero and the risk in my particular case is very low, but the risks of prolonged fasting are real and need to be considered by everyone with a consult with their doctor, I figured its worth a week of inconvenience 1-2 times a year even if the net effect on my overall cancer risk is zero.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Very nice, I agree! In my line of work, I always reach a point where randomized clinical trials are lacking or will never be done, so sometimes we just need to try things ourselves. 😛
I read a lot about the metabolic theory of cancer, and also measured glucose/ketones. Pretty sure fasting gives much better anti-cancer environment than even the strictest keto would.
As for the risks of fasting, I found the book The Science and Fine art of Fasting by Herbert M. Shelton quite unique.