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I have other news for Musk. The videos part of the "X Everything App" has an existing website as well called XVideos (NSFW obviously) which has a dot-com address and probably trademarked too. I imagine XPics, XChat, etc. has similar issues in the adult entertainment demographic. If it doesn't it will from Unix/XWindows or XBox world. When he tried this shit back in the PayPal days he was literally kicked out of the company after they finally convinced him to take a vacation. With teams of sycophants and bobbleheads nothing stops his juvenile impulses. Perhaps the market for once will and put us out of our misery hearing about this motherfucker in every industry. #ElonMusk #Twitter #ExTwitter #Microsoft #BillionairesShouldntExist #MuskIsADick
in reply to Hank G ☑️

a creator (of anything, good or bad, whatever), when naming something, usually needs to be at least aware of the cultural associations with a name choice. In our culture anyway, X is strongly associated with, if not the sex industry, something illicit and "negative", yes the X-Men gets away with it, and computing with academic naming is a little different, but when a mainstream TV station here changed its name to ITVX, a visual medium, lots of people shared that it sounds wrong.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Hank G ☑️

XChat is a Foss IRC client for the x-windows graphical user interface for unix-like operating systems


in reply to mica

I wonder if they trademarked it. If they didn't that could still complicate Musk's naming, if he chose something like this, but IANAL so I'm not sure how that works...
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Also: Meta Corp owns the USPTO registered rights to the "X" brand as it relates to "online social networking services... social networking services in the fields of entertainment, gaming and application development..."
in reply to Ferdi F. Zebua 🌏

All the more reason for Musk's mom to let him do the MMA match with Zuck so that he can get this obstacle out of the way in his quest to save the light of human consciousness with this ground breaking idea of his! /sarcasm
in reply to Hank G ☑️

My suggestions for renaming it would be Twat or Nitwit. Describes the owner so the face and name are linked