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For my last full day of "real" fasting, while needing to keep my exertion levels low, I'd re-read "The Alzheimer's Solution". It is a book on diet and lifestyle guidelines that reduce the risk and progression of Alzheimer's Disease. As I recall the Venn Diagram about what they are talking about lines up substantially with Blue Zones, Longo's Longevity Diet, and standard diet guidance. The book just has more focus on cognitive decline and Alzheimer's related tweaks and improvements. #health #longevity #fasting #dementia #Alzheimers
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Have you heard of Time-Restricted Feeding. Most of the intermittent fasting diets have added it to their plans. It's not really the same, you don't fast for days, just for a part of each day. At night mostly. So, it's easier to maintain.
in reply to Dwayne Parsons

Thanks for the link! Yep for sure and I experiment with that periodically too. For the past couple months I've only been eating a morning meal when I have intense workouts and then only after the workouts. For someone like me that can eat continuously it can really help a lot.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I had wasting syndrome/cachexia and heard about this. One of the benefits is increased skeletal muscle mass, the opposite definition of cachexia, so I tried it. That was about five years ago now.

All of the other immediate benefits have worked out, so I would assume the long term benefits are real as well. It really isn't a weight loss diet, but a metabolic health diet. You still need to work out and not eat so much if you want to lose weight.

in reply to Dwayne Parsons

@Dwayne Parsons That's awesome! For sure there are potential benefits of intermittent fasting/time-restricted feeding versus weight loss/management. I'm very happy to hear it has helped your condition over the long term!