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Oddly many #indigenous #languages do not have gendered #pronouns and are highly likely to #misgender you on accident because its not an important thing to them. My partner has a friend in the Philippines who can't get her head wrapped around the pronoun discussion and why its such a culture war here. Many indigenous folks are now gendering themselves as they/he or they/them just as a protest against colonizer forced gendered pronouns.

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in reply to anubis2814

Definitely one of the odder parts of learning Spanish was that everything has a gender and you have to use the right form of 'the' to match the gender of the object. And they don't (didn't) have gender neutral pronouns for if you were unclear about what you were talking about or if it was a mix of things.
in reply to Jess Nut

@Jess Nut same with French, and german has neuter gender for nouns on top of the binary.
New German words tend to be neuter, das, unless it just sounds better to the ear to go without gender