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Hey Christians, cultural Christians, fellow atheists raised in a Christian culture, and other Christianity-adjacent folks:

I promise you, you can get your point across without saying "Zionist." Really. Just find another way to refer to the actions of the Israeli state, the Christian Dominionist policies of the US government, and others participating in the genocide in Gaza.

(Consider @tess's suggestion of "genocide enjoyers.")

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in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 Not saying there are. I'm saying that, in addition to being white supremacist language, "Zionist" is a very imprecise way of referring to participating or being complicit in genocide.
in reply to anubis2814

Some Europeans are zionists because they don't want Jews displaced by WW2 to return.

Some Westerners are zionists because they see Israel as a strategic foothold in the Middle East.

Some bigots are zionists because they want Jews to leave and go to Israel.

Some Christians are zionists because they need the Jews in Israel for their apocalypse to happen.

Some Jews are zionists because they believe they have a sole divine right to the land.


in reply to Dana Fried

Not understanding the complex history (and current politics) of "zionism" while at the same time ignoring the fact that the Far Right has used "zionist" as a dog-whistle for "Jew" for at least fifty years is why we're asking y'all to stop.
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 I mean, at a simple guess, one could argue there is.

Based on the explanation here [ ], there could be at least two groups in that definition:

1.) The people who wanted a homeland to live in.

2.) The people who wanted other people to have a homeland so that they could tell them to "Go home!" and forcibly deport the other people.

in reply to Alexander The 1st

And even within (1) there are massive shades between "would like someplace safe to go, ideally our ancestral homeland" and "believe the land from the Jordan to the Mediterranean should be an ethnostate where only observant [Ashkenazi] Jews have civil rights".

Would I consider Israelis who want a democratic one-state solution to be zionists? No. Are there are people who would call any Israeli Jew who wanted to remain in the Levant a "zionist"? Absolutely.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Dana Fried

Right, I should have clarified - the separation of 1.) and 2.) groups aren't definitions of what necessarily makes someone "Zionist", but if one fit the technical definition of having a "Zionist" view, there are at least very different ways to have that view.

It actually surprised me when I saw that Short the first time to learn that the views in that Short predated WWII - because that's not how it was portrayed in history class "Back in the day".

This entry was edited (1 month ago)