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If you are old enough, like I am, you can smell this video :). I never knew how these devices worked. #history #printing
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I'm convinced that one of the reasons our public schools are in disarray is because we gave up ditto fumes. Ditto fumes helped keep the classroom chill.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

as a young teacher back when these copiers were plentiful, we called the masses of worksheets each student got the Purple Sea. I liked the smell but soon realized if you are around the copier too long while printing, a headache would come.
in reply to cobalt

As a student I never liked the smell. I found it too overwhelming when they were fresh out of the copy machine. I was so happy when I switched schools and the new one was using photocopiers rather than ditto machines.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I remember cutting mimeograph stencils (and using 'em.)
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I remember the copier filling a room and the ink looking purple
in reply to Hank G ☑️

There was one kind of copier from the 1970's that used a weird kind of paper and chemistry - I couldn't hold the resulting paper without my hands beginning to tingle and eventually tremor and ache.