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In honor of our upcoming celebration of the US Independence from Britain I'd like to share this great video by the Cynical Historian YT channel on the 10 American Founding Myths. Some are old. Some are new. Some are from the left. Some are from the right. All well covered #history #UnitedStates #IndependenceDay #July4th #history #CynicalHistorian

  1. Founders wanted "Judeo-Christian values"
  2. The USA's system is wholly original
  3. Our government/revolution began in 1776
  4. Slavery drove the Revolution
  5. Independence birthed a modern nation
  6. It was a "conservative revolution"
  7. The Constitution is flawless
  8. Founders were like-minded men of the people
  9. Patriots rebelled primarily because of taxes
  10. Liberty means small government

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in reply to Hank G ☑️

thanks for the post. I've been through at least seven of his videos now. Wonder if cipher would mosey on over here to the fediverse. #cynicalhistorian #quehodidnothingwrong