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The number of people on the internet who think using shame will cause people to change or even listen shows the gut belief about the human mid works. Shame only EVER works if paired with respect. You must care about the opinion of a person before shame has any impact at all. Shaming people online especially is dumb with your own assumption that they respect you. Shame is a method of showing a lack of respect and poor opinion. Shame is respect denial but only actually after giving respect. You are being essentially an emotional drug dealer. They need their fix, but you HAVE to get them hooked first. If you haven't do that, people react terribly because literally all you are doing is disrespecting someone, straight off the bat and unless you are really charismatic, your chances of having the impact you want is near zero. #psychology #communication #shame
in reply to anubis2814

So, "shaming" a fascist through my criticism of his/her behavior requires that I first have to show "respect" to this person?
in reply to Earthling

@Earthling You can shame until the cows come home if it makes you feel better, but never expect anyone to change their minds that way
in reply to anubis2814

I would never expect to "change the mind" of a fascist.
in reply to anubis2814

That's so true! I'd go even farther to say that some folks will act with no shame precisely because they do not respect you and they just want to piss you off. That's where all this "real men wear diapers" discourse is coming from, for example. They don't care if you're laughing at them because they don't respect you enough to care about your opinion in the first place. They're just doing it to get a rise out of people, and it's working. Best to just ignore them. ❤️
in reply to anubis2814

Earthling - think the other way, the fascist will not react or be influenced by your shaming/criticism if that person have not felt respected by you in the first place, thus wont altering/or consider/ its behavior do to the shaming effect.
in reply to anubis2814

Yep! Prime example: Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen had no remorse about using campaign funds to pay off a porn star who Trump slept with until his father rebuked him.

👉🏾 Cohen’s father said he didn’t survive Holocaust to have his name ‘sullied’ by Trump: report 📰

in reply to anubis2814

Only people significant to you can control you with shame.