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NEW VIDEO! - MidnightBSD - My First Impressions!

#FreeBSD #MidnightBSD #Unix #opensource #garyhtech via @YouTube

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On my workstation I use FreeBSD, the problem with GhostBSD is the fact that is a personal vision about how it should be "a desktop operative system".

You can feel comfortable or not with, but the good thing of doing a FreeBSD installation is that you tailor the OS exactly the way you like, without readymade recipes.

in reply to GaryH Tech

side note, not specific to MidnightBSD: I don't know about the logic of making wheel (not gary) your login group for gary.

Disclaimer: I'm also too lazy to check the FreeBSD Handbook.

in reply to GaryH Tech

I'm experimenting with slightly more recent 3.1.5 in VirtualBox … I guess, the absence of midnightbsd-desktop – from the index for mports – explains us not getting an out-of-the-box desktop environment.

<> does not include midnightbsd-desktop (not an issue, I didn't expect to find it there).

I'll dig a little more. In the meantime: did your installation have multiple graphics cards?

cc @laffer1

in reply to Graham Perrin

@laffer1 success!


– without attempting to use a display manager (although I will install Firefox, and reinstall XDM, to maybe learn a little more).

A prior experiment with EFI enabled in VirtualBox – not a default, for FreeBSD guests – failed. No surprise there.

The pictured search for scfb was pure imagination.

#MidnightBSD #Oracle #VirtualBox #FreeBSD #BSD #Xfce #XOrg

in reply to Graham Perrin

@laffer1 FYI

Firefox 119.0 from Ravenports did not work until after I also installed libreoffice-single-standard … a simple dependency issue (in Ravenports), I guess.