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#Friendica is going to have a number of new posts in their groups(soon to be called called circles) In their June or September upgrade. I will be using the hell out of this!

Tek reshared this.

in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 They used it wrong and it was annoying. It was how they used it. I forget the details but I think it was cause people weren't able to be in more than one circle. I think was my issue.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Tek

@Tek #aEvl_us (Ⓐ) (Ⓐ) Yes you can put people in as many circles as you like over here. Still called groups til June or Sept
in reply to Cătă

@Cătă Right now you see the list of groups(circles). In the next upgrade you will see a number next to it based on number of posts by people in the group.
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 oh, I get it now. That's interesting. I wish I could add hashtags to groups/circles as well.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Cătă

@Cătă That would be very cool. I would like for us to be able to share circles with people so they have auto follows the second they join if they like. That might be something I try to figure out how to do in the future.
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 sorry, I meant hashtags lol. But yea, that would be an interesting thing as well, didn't think about it. Although one could still create a page, follow a few accounts and then set it to reshare content from accounts automatically.
in reply to Cătă

@Cătă Yup forums are getting switched to groups now. Also it will be easier to make one besides digging around in the settings