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I've been looking to diversify my cooking a bit more but also staying healthy. I think I'm going to have to try to make Chetna's red kidney bean curry called Rajma Masala after watching this video. I have to see if I can find those hot peppers near me. Last time I tried the hot pepper selection was pretty pedestrian. #Cooking #spicyfood #ChetnaMakan #veganrecipes #vegan
in reply to Hank G ☑️

We have a multiyear trading program with a friend in new england: he sends exotic apples, we send absolutely radioactive peppers of various types.
in reply to smellsofbikes

My grocery store did have scotch bonnet pepper so maybe should try to use one of those as a replacement but I think that is a step up from the chili pepper she was using. Besides that all they had were jalapeno and poblano.