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Absolutely 100% this! I've said this a million times but glad it is now comitted to meme form :) #uspoli #politics #economics #libertarian #PoliticalMeme
in reply to Hank G ☑️

This is actually so perfect. These libertarians are so disgusting hypocrites.

I guess anarchists will be

in reply to Hank G ☑️

Libbuturrans are just tyrants without a squirt of power.
in reply to Hank G ☑️


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in reply to Hank G ☑️


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in reply to Hank G ☑️

I didn't know that this meme was called kombucha girl.
in reply to Billy

Yeah it's clips from a reaction to kombucha video she posted that accidentally went viral. She actually got fired from her job once it went viral.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

yeah, most people don't realize just how much "private" business is just an extension of the state and is run as such. Kevin Carson's The Myth of the Private Sector explores this nicely:

part 1:
part 2:

audio versions:

in reply to Hank G ☑️

I thought I was a libertarian in the 80s until I saw enough of it to realize it was built on the values of plantation owners.

So I became an anarchosyndicalist. ;)

in reply to Hank G ☑️

Content warning: this probably makes zero sense because i'm a dog. also, not beating the leftist mucho texto meme allegations. also, there is the t slur in this meme

in reply to Hank G ☑️

They seem to have the idea that they can switch to if gets too... well, tyrannical. But, of course, the only thing preventing the formation of monopolies, monopsonies and cartels is a government that wields more power than the corporations it regulates.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Libertarians: Proudly destroying the world with greed and selfishness, so you won't have to.