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in reply to Indivisible

if I say _the manchurian candidate_ (1962) are you gonna be mad? xD
in reply to Indivisible

Please always use fully descriptive alt text for every image you post.

You're excluding people with vision issues from engaging in this specific post, and bar them from directly accessing information you only include in images in other posts.

@alttexthalloffame is a good resource to use if you need guidance on how best to use alt text so you are being as inclusive as possible, rather than being ableist and ignoring a significant number of people

in reply to Ricardo Harvin

Friendica doesn't do alt-txt in images, so there's that. Adding my vote to Manchurian Candidate even though it's not a documentary as such. It's an accurate portrayal of how the system works and doesn't work.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen

@claralistensprechen3rd @ricardoharvin @alttexthalloffame The @indivisibleteam has posted some images with alt text previously but overall they do a terrible job. The majority of images they post, especially these types of image only posts, never include alt text. It seems odd to me that an organization dedicated to coalition building seems to intentionally want to exclude over 7 million Americans with vision loss or blindness.
in reply to Indivisible

It's just belatedly occurring to me that there's an excellent political documentary about Israel/Palestine dating back several years, and it's "Occupation 101"--it's timely today.