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#climatechange #mars #permaculture #STEM

Let me disabuse you of the idea that a Martian colony is the way to save mankind.

Survival on Mars is 1000x more difficult with no free flowing water, no atmosphere, no ozone, no magnetosphere, much less solar radiation to power anything including biological life.

Choosing Mars is picking the absolute worst probability to beat gambler's ruin.

Even a 3' warmer Earth is better.

The first IQ test is to stop pursuing stupid ideas as a magic bullet.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to GhostOnTheHalfShell

There’s nothing we can do to the Earth to make it less hospitable than any other location in our Solar System.
in reply to GhostOnTheHalfShell

Well, then, let me disabuse you of the notion that when Earth reaches 3 degrees warmer, it's not going to get hotter than that later. When humans cannot live on either Earth or Mars, humans will go extinct.
Unknown parent

Clara Listensprechen

So our choices are:

1) extinction easy
2) extinction hard.

Extinction = extinction.

Unknown parent

Stephan Matthiesen
oh we do need the Mars colony for human survival. Not for actually moving there, but for sending all the techbros and billionaires there so that we can actually start fixing the problems on Earth without them messing it up.
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Yrjänä Rankka 🌻
@claralistensprechen3rd Exactly. Either we decarbonise our economies or nature will do it for us - with extreme prejudice.