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It's not about Dems vs GOP, libs vs conservs. The 2024 election, Roger Stone said, will be “a fight bw light & dark…a struggle bw good and evil…an epic fight bw the godly & the godless.”

IOW, if Trump loses, America will be plunged into 1000 years of darkness.

Stone's targeted audience see Trump as a Messiah, and are preparing for Armageddon.

& per my own sources, are "definitely planning to create havoc" 1/...

in reply to Laffy

2/ "Taylor is concerned that this ongoing dehumanization of opponents by comparing them to demons, and violent spiritual rhetoric that sometimes spills into hints of actual physical violence or predictions of “sudden deaths” among Trump opponents, is creating an “early-on, groundswell rationalization for the next Jan. 6th.”
in reply to Laffy

Whoa. I had been hoping that they would all be raptured up by the eclipse, but I guess we are stuck with them.
in reply to Laffy

"a rationalization" is spot on...and they are planting those seeds early and often....I will be voting early and out of the country for election....because no way Trump "wins" without a fix and these assholes know it so they are fomenting the resentment now just like they did ahead of 2020.
in reply to Laffy

I've said since before he was elected the first time that we all need to fight like hell. We're up against something much more dangerous than our politicians have developed any ability to truly counter.

The MAGAts are running a campaign of extermination. They are issuing the ultimatum that it's them or us and somehow we're not unequivocally choosing "us".

BronMason reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

This dude literally has a huge tattoo of Nixon’s face on his back. Who can possibly take him seriously, or trust his judgement? I’m flummoxed why many folks seem to follow this clown. It would be hilarious if the stakes weren’t so high.
in reply to Laffy

He may *sound* like them, but I doubt very much he *looks* like them, unless Trump supporters all look like low-rent Batman villains:
in reply to Laffy

Let them create havoc. We have prisons for people like that.
in reply to Sean McCabe

@darthstar Lotta good that does to the person(s) they've maimed or killed..
in reply to Laffy

Gawd they surely love their drama. Armageddon! Dogs and cats living together! Iguanas drinking soda! In a way, it’s kinda entertaining. Just how absurd and pathetic they’re all are.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Tito Ciuro

@titociuro It's not crazy. They're getting voters this way... and more violence, potentially
in reply to Laffy

I know, I know… but without a little bit of humor we’ll all go crazy. Speaking of which…
in reply to Laffy

“The 2024 election, Roger Stone said, will be ‘a fight bw light & dark…a struggle bw good and evil…’”

He’s kinda right on this point, just…not in the way he thinks he is…

in reply to Laffy

I find it funny yet sad nobody has extinguished Mr. LittleStone’s smoking lamp.
in reply to Laffy

gov'ts should allow peaceful protests....and I'm against violence generally...but the minute "creating havoc" raises its ugly maga head, I pray that all pretense of and actual patience and forbearance by the Biden admin and all law enforcement agencies vanishes....quash the chaos makers...arrest and let the forever-taking American justice system process them for the next umpty ump years...and into prison may they all be sentenced. Just totally fed-up!
in reply to Laffy

There is something so twisted, so repulsive, so freaking blasphemous in using messianic language in reference to a man whose only apparent “morals” have to do with wealth & power - no matter their origin and/or direct links to genuine evil.

He’s been found civilly liable for sexual abuse & defamation. He was close pals with Epstein. His 2016 campaign is linked to Russian influence. He incited a violent insurrection, defiling our Constitution. He is under four indictments on 87 felony charges, including RICO. He failed America in managing a pandemic, causing thousands of deaths. HE SEPARATED MIGRANT CHILDREN FROM PARENTS without a reunification plan. He’s on record defaming our military. He lies with every breath.


If he wins, it WILL BE Armageddon for our democracy.


in reply to Laffy

And that's how you become an atheist.

Thank you, USA evangelicons.

in reply to Laffy

djt and friends decided to take the word “cult” the whole way.
Unknown parent

@oldguy52 And it’s escalating. Sigh.
in reply to Laffy

Do guys like Stone truly not realize that they are the evil forces, or do they understand this but not care?
in reply to Matthew Loxton

They believe they are akin to an Ubermensch. Above morality. Innately superior. By default, what they do is good and right. Thus, everyone and anyone against them, by default, are bad.

It's ... every villainous cliche wrapped up in a bunch of old white dudes. It's egotism, but worse.