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Its funny and weird seeing people that are on both #diaspora and #mastodon. Just skip the middle man and get a #Friendica account. You only need one account then and can see everyone from both sites.

n8chz ⒶⒺ reshared this.

in reply to anubis2814

division might be worth it.
otherwise id say just join mastodon if you like it.
friendica is like mastodon++.
in reply to know

@know It's entire purpose is to connect. Also it's meant to be the fediverse version of Facebook to diasporas G+ or mastodons Twitter
Unknown parent

@Cass M 👋🏽🍁 Interesting. I make a group(to be called circles starting next month) for news so I can keep up on it. Pixelfed is like my only non-political space lol.
Unknown parent

@Lorraine Lee @Cass M 👋🏽🍁 The reason we did this is because Forums are now being changed to groups and Circles are a well known definition which it currently matches, fro G+, to even Twitter before Musk got a hold of it. I was initially going to call them lists because I though they only had that function but you can use them to also block or give permission to people in those groups so by social media standards tjhey are a cirle and without using that terminology people would completely miss its other features like I did until I discovered it.