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I'm doing my meal planning for tomorrow's lunch and was trying to decide between plant-based protein or eggs. I'm really focusing on getting enough protein as I ramp up but also keep calories in line so would I be hamstringing myself by choosing lentils or chickpeas over the eggs? Nope! All three have reasonable serving sizes (5 oz for chickpeas and lentils, or 2 eggs) and calories for the same 13 grams of protein. Chickpeas at 232 calories vs. the eggs' 155 is not nothing but not huge. Lentils at 164 calories is a wash to me. Lentils truly are a magical (and tasty) food :). #PlantBased #food #vegan #vegetarian #health #fitness #longevity #30DayHealthReboot
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
Never heard of them. Will have to research them :).
Unknown parent

I imagine they are if they aren't cooked based on the wikipedia entry I found. The same is true of uncooked beans btw. In both cases I imagine that means in quantity not having one raw one or something. I know I've eaten a raw bean after rehydrating them with no ill effect.