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in reply to anubis2814

Worse that that, as they talk about religious private schools, paid with public money.

As with golf, don't get me started. An environmental disaster, no shrubs, no habitat for bees or butterflies, sterile, insecticides and the humongous waste of water to keep the place green, in a dying environment. Don't get me started.

in reply to anubis2814

i feel like this analogy is misleading in that it ignores the fact that the free education was bad when GW Bush took office, and his stupid bullshit plus decades of defunding have made it absolute 💩

The voucher system is arguably stupid but it at least gives *some* kids a chance at a halfway decent education.

I find it hard to believe that the public schools keeping the money would make a difference in the face of how absolutely fucked they are financially

in reply to anubis2814

And if I'm not good enough at golf or need extra training, they private golf course will kick me out and the public course will be forced to take me in. Then the private course gets to brag about the great skills and win rates of all their members to get more memberships.