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So…Substack management and founders are openly saying they don’t care about monetizing and boosting literal Nazis on their platform. He couldn’t even say he wouldn’t have a literal neo-Nazi on his podcast again because their point of view has cache in the US now, the irony of platforming by people like them being lost. Independent creators who use Substack I implore you to use the option that lets you port your content and get it hosted on Ghost if for no other reason to to keep your own conscience clear. #Substack #ghost
in reply to Hank G ☑️

When $$$ matters more than anything, then nothing else seems to matter. At that point, there is no longer any human compassion involved. Run! Run away quickly!
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I just can't even with this bullshit. Oh, yes, it's always important to hear the "views and arguments" of people who want to literally exterminate whole races and other groups of people. Like, yeah, of course, as a fairly rational and intelligent person, I'm sure you have some valid arguments about other people not deserving to exist that would totally open my mind to saying "why, yes! you should move forward with plans to ensure millions of other people you don't like will die!"
in reply to Shirtless Jay

They seem to not grasp the not so subtle difference between the availibality of Mein Kampf to read across society as a whole and being the agents of platforming and helping people monetize the propagation of it and its ideology as being a good thing. It is certainly their right to be fucking Nazi sympothetic by proxy assholes who don't mind making money platforming these people. It's my right to not have to give them a single cent, click, or second of my attention. #MoarFreezePeach #FreeSpeech
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Or do it because open source software and non-profit foundations are just better for this stuff.
in reply to mpoletiek

Yes that too, and they can be but not always. Self hostable is also a big thing so that you aren't stuck with another walled garden. But for most of the creators on the platform this is primarily about trying to scrape up enough of a living writing to pay bills. So things like FOSS and self-hostable understandably take a back seat to paying grocieries, rent, and the electric bill, etc. I'm just glad there is at least one option that fits all those categories.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Ironically you're seeking more moderation. Good luck getting the nonprofit to adopt your policy. And even then if it's really a clear conscious that's your priority then self hosted is probably the only way to go.

But whatever it takes to move more of our public infrastructure to open source, non profit governed solutions the better.

Even if the motivation is misplaced.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

He says that censoring the views of Nazis doesn't make the situation better, it makes it worse.

He doesn't explain why or how.

in reply to Negative12DollarBill

@negative12dollarbill I'm sure we can all imagine how much more dangerous Herr Goebbels would've been if he hadn't been allowed to speak! /s

Negative12DollarBill reshared this.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

After seeing this "note" today, I deleted my Substack account. What a bunch of lies and double-talk rationalization bullshit. Are these effing people not paying attention? Do they not know that it's exactly because of "both-sides" people like them we are in the cluster we find ourselves in today? We know what Nazi's are and I won't participate in anything that allows Nazi voices to be heard. They can go elsewhere to spew their garbage, but I won't be there.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

…Where Substack pulls a Musk, only without all the excess money. The whole model of hosting other people’s content in exchange for cash is sinking pretty quickly, as access to portable self-hosting gets simpler and cheaper, while trolls and LLM-generated content becomes more prevalent.