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Today is the final day, the transition out day, of the five day “Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast” . I didn’t sleep well at all. While I technically got more than seven hours of sleep it was pretty fragmented I’m down a yet another 2.5 pounds. My night time heart rate looked normal as does my heart rate variability and my morning blood pressure. Like the previous days I woke up feeling a bit hung over and dehydrated but once I started having some decaf coffee and water I felt much better.
#health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

06:45 – Awake and craving my first real food in just a few hours even if the first batch is just some broth. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

09:00 -- After a two mile walk and some post walk stretching exercises it's time to eat my first food to break the fast. Right on time! I have sodium free bouillon which I added 1/4 of the electrolyte pack too. I also added a little over a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to it as well. A cup of this is 63 calories, 0 grams of protein, 2 grams of carbs, and 6 grams of fat with the sodium, potassium, and magnesium ratios being in perfect ratio since they came from the LMNT electrolyte pack designed to be just that. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Out of curiosity, how well is this approach backed by research? Also, I sometimes hear if you fast for too long your body goes into "oh-no-lean-times-are-here!" mode and will start hoarding any form of calories that come in, leading to weight-gain once your fast ends. But is that even possible? What's your experience in this?
in reply to 🇳🇱 🇪🇺Jeroen 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

in reply to Hank G ☑️

12:00 -- Finished making the 13 cups/3 liters of veggie soup that will make up my food for the day. Ate just half a cup of it with my standard morning multivitamin from Thorne and washed it down with some Pelligrino and maybe will add some decaf coffee in a bit. So far so good. The idea is to eat 1/2 cup to 1 cup regularly through the day and then have a big serving of what is left for dinner. I am not sure if I feel that different yet but I haven't really taken in that many nutrients yet either so I think that could be expected. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I did a water fast a few years ago and had trouble sleeping by the 3rd night (but I already have insomnia) & overall I felt really wired, but not anxious. Day 5 was my transition day, which was low carb. I didn't lose the wired feeling until I ate carbs on the 6th day. I guess I needed the carbs for serotonin. It was pretty amazing how sedated I felt ~ 20 minutes after eating a sweet potato.

My husband has done fasting mimicking a few times. One time I prepared a DIY version for him, the other times he bought the ProLon package. I don't recall him reporting the wired feeling or sleep issues (he always sleeps like a rock).

re: Pellegrino ; the CO2 in carbonated beverages can increase ghrelin production

in reply to Rhyothemis

How did you like the ProLon food? I'm basing my macronutrient ratios for the day in day on their transition in day and my transition out day (today) on their typical fasting day macronutrients.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I just asked my husband about it since it has been a while. He said said the nut bar things were good. The soups were a bit boring, "but it's a fast" & boring is better than nothing. I recall he had leftover hibiscus tea, which is too bad since it has a lot of good health effects. They also provide a beverage made with glycerol IIRC - I'm not sure the purpose - it may be to help metabolism in ppl who have a lot of body fat. He expressed a desire to do it again, but his weight is too low currently. I'm trying to feed him enough, but with his running & gluten free diet (we are all GF since my daughter's Celiac diagnosis) I can't keep up on the calories.
in reply to Rhyothemis

Yeah the soup I formulated is pretty bland too. The whole batch has just over 730 grams of sodium.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I have so many questions about health effects of sodium. The bulk of evidence indicates the lower the intake the better, but it seems like I'm often coming across counterintuitive stuff. Michael Lustgarten recently reported that his sodium intake was correlated w/ better DunedinPACE score. I think he gets most of his Na from olives tho.
Also, active people who sweat a lot (like my husband & PlantChomper's Chris MacAskill) might need more.

in reply to Rhyothemis

Yeah for sure need to make sure getting enough but not too much. I tend to eat too much though, especially when eating out frequently. I've been trying to use more salt substitute (Potassium Chloride rather than Sodium Chloride) in my home cooking to offset that and to get more potassium in my diet. I've been doing that for a couple years now but The Nutrition Made Simple channel did a video on how on it. Apparently it not only offsets sodium consumption as in replaces it but can also counteract some of the blood pressure elevating effects. I love PlantChomper's channel. I just discovered it last month).
in reply to Hank G ☑️

13:00 -- Ate another half a cup of the soup while continuing to nurse the Pelligrino I had with the first half cup serving. Again so far so good. I'm doing hourly blood pressure and other vitals checks and all are within my normal range. Although blood pressure is definitely now at the upper end of my normal range rather than the lower end and looks more like what it is when I am in a not healthy state. Everything feels status quo but definitely not dragging ass this afternoon like far anyway... #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

14:00 -- Ate another half a cup of the soup all vitals are bouncing around in the normal range. I'm not having any GI issues. I think I'll try a full cup in the next hour. Biggest problem I'm having today that I didn't have previously is a very high craving to start drinking my diet soda again. Not until tomorrow though... #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

15:00 -- I picked just before it was getting ready to downpour to head out to the supermarket to get the ingredients for tomorrow's Indian food recipe experiments. Made it back just before the heavens really started opening up. I got my one cup of soup in right at the top of the hour. All vitals are status quo. Definitely no fatigue this afternoon like last few days. I think I may be feeling a slight headache coming on but nothing quite yet. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

18:00 -- Ate another cup of the soup at 17:00 and a bit more than a cup just now. Vitals all still look good. The blood pressure that spiked to the high end of my normal range, which is when I don't have my health dialed in, is now sitting right around the middle range now. Still no fatigue for today. No head rushes, brain fog, etc. The headache I thought I was feeling earlier never manifested. GI issues haven't manifested either. All that's left for today is the big dinner searching of the soup. Which I'll probably have between 19:00 and 20:00. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

so this is purely to help trying to avoid getting it? you have not been diagnosed? or in remission?
in reply to synlogic

Correct. This is just to potentially help prevent it. I'm trying to knock down risk for the big diseases that have taken down my family members over the decades.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

No idea about the purported benefits of this but since it doesn't appear you're harming yourself or others I'm all for supporting you in documenting of the experience. :) <3
in reply to Richard

@Richard Thanks! Yeah I've tried to be very careful about talking down the benefits and talking up the risks in case someone decides to emulate my protocol. The way I've done it in the past and this time it seems to work for me without any ill side effects besides getting really tired in the core part of it. But I don't have any medical conditions, I've had my annual physical and blood work to make sure I didn't have any deficiency, and I've slow walked myself into doing stuff like this over the years. So for me it works and worst case is doing nothing but making myself a bit miserable for 3-9 days a year (depending on if I do it 1, 2, or 3 times a year) with no health/longevity benefit. I will say that if I were going to try a longer fast than this I'd probably go to a medical center that lets one do stuff like this under observation. I don't intend to do longer fasts at this time though.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

20:00 -- I underestimated how long it would take to heat up the soup I reserved for dinner so didn't get started eating it until the top of the hour. I also underestimated how much food that was going to be after not eating for three days. On the transition in day I ate half the recipe at each meal no problem. Today it took me over 45 minutes to accomplish that and I am feeling very full. It's the last food for the day though so now it is just calorie free beverages for the rest of the day. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
in reply to Hank G ☑️

22:30 --With that the fast is entirely over. Tomorrow is back to regular eating of a dialed in diet. I'm very much looking forward to trying the new recipes. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast