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!Friendica Support Not sure I asked this before: What approach do Friendica folks use for posting smaller video clips? Would like to cut depending on pixelfed just for that...
in reply to Kristian

@Kristian You will have to stick with Pixelfed, Friendica at this point doesn't allow the uploading of video clips. I'm just glad I no longer have to have a mastodon or pixelfed account for cut and pasting photos. that was a massive pain.

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in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel @Kristian Every time I think "Friendica needs that" someone else is already working on it and has it ready to go for the next update. Friendica is now truly the best though least known fediverse platform.

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel Please How likelly is it that we might also be able to upload audio files in the future? I'm thinking MP3 / MP4 / ogg / opus files. Or is it already possible and hitting browse button when composing the post is not enough? @Kristian @anubis2814
in reply to Peter Vágner

Haven't tested it with audio, but it could work as well. The limit is the maximum file size that is configured in your system.
in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel I have pulled from the latest develop branch yesterday. Now if I navigate to the compose page, I can press "Drop files here to upload" button and from the open dialog I can only upload image files. Should I be doing something else if I wish to upload an audio file? @Kristian @anubis2814
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel Can you please try to explain it in more details? I am unable to look at the screenshot. Edit: I've discovered this comment and found it:
Now I am looking for how to add files to a reply comment such as this one. @Kristian @anubis2814
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Kristian

@Kristian You can embed any video with the [video][/video] tag if you know the direct link to the video file. That means that, if you upload the video to a website like which allow you to access the full url publicly, Friendica can fetch it. Here's an older video of mine that I just uploaded for testing purposes:

This also works if you can find a video online instead, posted by others. In the past, I used to fetch the link, but now it seems that, at least on Firefox, it is downloading the link directly. Here's an older post I made using the tool. It was a video posted on Xitter and there was no way for me to find it on fedi (hope you can see it on your instance):

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)