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Can we start a chain of brick and mortar stores that only sells open source electronics?
in reply to Black Aziz Anansi :vm:

maybe partner with one that sells only "dumb" electromechanical appliances, zero silicon washer/dryer/fridge/toaster etc.
in reply to Black Aziz Anansi :vm:

@Black Aziz Anansi :vm: Made this video a while ago inspired by andrewism's video on library socialism. Best kind of place to sell these things.

red reshared this.

in reply to Black Aziz Anansi :vm:

#erecyclers do this. there's a chain of them in my area,

literally the last 12 notebooks, and 2 gaming rigs I've gotten come from places like this.

there should be *so many more* of these places, you're 10000000% right.

*some times* you can find #linux pre-installed on their boxes, but i('d) install my own anyway.

sounds like a lot of notebooks, but they're SO CHEAP and have years of life left! The wife had to cut me off.. 😊

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Black Aziz Anansi :vm:


I'd send my @signet devices to one of these stores to be sold. So if you're starting one, let me know and we can collaborate.

in reply to Adam


Oh, I should also mention that I have permission from c0pperDragon to build and sell their open source Hot Plate as as I give them a small royalty (which, ofc!).

I'd be willing to do this with a bunch of open source hardware projects if people are interested in buying them.

Black Aziz Anansi :vm: reshared this.

in reply to Adam


The only thing holding me back from having done this already is that spending $350 in parts and many hours in labor to make ten hot plates just results in me having a bunch of extra hot plates lying around. In theory they might go for $45, but unless they actually sell, I'm stuck holding the bag. I would be willing to take that risk once, but $350 is a lot of money for me (and that's the best case scenario, where zero mistakes are made, something I've never had happen)

Unknown parent


@TheElevenator @signet

Yeah, the creator (c0pperDragon) isn't making them and selling them on Tindie anymore. I linked to the entry so people could see what the device is and read about why someone might want one of these. The information about the device is below the big warning about it being retired.

I was fortunate enough to have purchased one before it was retired and I can attest that it works great!

I'd love to un-retire it if there is community interest.