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in reply to Bread and Circuses

I wonder why you felt the need to type "experts" with double quotes. I mean, I'm sure you already knew what was going to happen, good for you. Shame you didn't tell us.
in reply to Bread and Circuses

@Bread and Circuses According to all experts I've read, 1.5C of last year is an extreme outlier, while they measure 1.5C when its the average year. That is still projected to be 25 years from now. Either way with the fossil fuel industries co-opting, stonewalling and bankrolling all bodies that run carbon control, I do believe we are beyond the chance of 1.5C, we will be lucky to stop at 2C at the rate we are going. Just using solar and everyone owning an electric car isn't going to fix things.

504BatteryDr reshared this.

in reply to Bread and Circuses

This is why I don't give any credence to reports that talk about any goals or predictions beyond 2050 - all of the honest climate scientists are sounding the alarm that predictions on every climate change effect are happening much sooner than once predicted.

Add in the accompanying societal breakdown in response to these climate breakdowns and you've got another accelerator.

in reply to anubis2814


Obfuscating the totality of the problem by focusing on one aspect of climate change, while promising corrective measures that are untenable and actually add to the problem.

Ofc co2 is a major problem, but others are also pieces of the puzzle; deforestation, polluted skies, lands and waters, shrinking water reserves, degraded soils, the loss of biodiversity and wild lands.

Those things must never be fully acknowledged much less addressed, by leadership.

If they were properly addressed, it would mean an end to business as usual, meaning an end to their profits.

Kristen reshared this.

in reply to Bread and Circuses

The question I always ask myself when I see facts like this is...: "OK, what now?"

And I never find a good answer. "Wait and die," is the recurring one that wins most of the time I guess.

I doesn't feel quite satisfactory.
