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Two hotels. Both had Peloton bikes. This was awesome because that means I can workout almost like at home. They have regular pedals with a foot harness which means you really can’t get much upstroke pull but that’s okay. Login is with a QR code and it resets itself when done (except for Bluetooth headsets which you have to remove manually). Very nice unexpected surprise. I hope more places to this. They are way less expensive than traditional gym workout gear they buy. #peloton #travel #fitness

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in reply to Hank G ☑️

When I used to travel a lot for work, this was one of my selection criteria for hotels!

#Peloton #Fitness #Health #Exercise

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Drew McManus

Did you have to call ahead or do the ones that have it list that in their amenities? I didn’t think it was a thing so didn’t bother to check.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Just check on
in reply to Drew McManus

How is this not more prominently placed on their website! Thanks!
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Additional tip: hotel bikes are sometimes broken or need maintenance. In my experience, reporting it to the hotel did not always result in anything. But if I emailed Peloton support, the bike was usually fixed by my next visit to the hotel.
in reply to Drew McManus

Yeah the first hotel's was having WiFi issues so I didn't use it. The second one both of their Peloton bikes were in good working order.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

It used to be a pain to login (typing a long password), but now scanning a QR code is a breeze. Don’t forget your headphones!
in reply to Drew McManus

Yeah I loved the QR thing. I recommend that. I don't know if it is some sort of kiosk mode when using the QR code login but once I ended the sessions, went into the Bluetooth settings to delete my headphones, and then hit the "go home" Peloton button from there it was back to the login screen.