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I think Nitter is unofficially dead thanks to the most recent Twitter access constrictions for even just navigating there through a website. Multiple servers are giving very bad responses to profile queries that have always worked. There were a handful of accounts I still followed over on Birdshite/$8chan who either didn't jump over to the fediverse or jumped over and then jumped back. I have no intention of going to Twitter proper to see their content. I hope they at least start cross posting to either here or Bluesky (at least Friendica can bridge over to that experimentally). Until then to them I say "adiós muchachos" #nitter #twitter #ElonMuskIsADick #ElonMusk #friendica #bluesky #fediverse
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Hank G ☑️
If Twitter keeps things as clamped down as they are now then I don't see how they get around it but they have in the past. It's possible/probable Twitter didn't realize how much they are shooting themselves in the foot with their new draconian policy and may reverse it too which could bring it back. I'm just assuming those accounts are invisible forever to me now though.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Meanwhile, it seems Twitter has cut off access if you don't sign in, or don't have an account. If that's the case, I'll be forced to ignore it.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Some people are already trying to find workarounds, see
in reply to Hank G ☑️

(I mean completely, I already mostly ignore it and don't have an account.)
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I was on Nitter a lot during the Prigozhin coup attempt, and sharing quotes and Nitter links over here. Sigh. Hopefully people like @emptywheel will find a public space to post updates if this doesn't resolve...
in reply to ProtectiveHen

She has an account here she just doesn't use it as regularly. I really hope she comes back to using this as much ore more than Twitter. @emptywheel
in reply to Hank G ☑️

@emptywheel Me too, and I think that's likely if it stays privatized. Yes, @kevinrothrock of Meduza also has a fairly active account here, but used his Twitter account for the breaking stuff this past week about Russia.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Today I learned that it could be illegal by German law not being able to access posts and profiles without login, since by law you have to have an easy way to report illegal content. Some years ago Facebook had to pay a fine because for the similar reason.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Yeah I know :(. I had to shut down mine before the real API clamp down went into effect killing it for everyone else :(.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

The only reason I looked was from links to posts here.
It looks like they have dried up overnight.
No loss.
If someone who is serious about getting their information out to the world, this event should be the kick in the pants/nads they need to find a new home.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

So bluesky claims to be decentralized. To me that could mean that innovation rollout will be as slow and unevenly distributed like software versions here
Or do they have a different approach on that?
in reply to Hey, nice pod!

They have no approach or focus on the decentralization aspect of it in theory or in practice beyond the protocol. They seem to be treating the protocol stuff as ways to make plugins or clients not a truly decentralized network as well. I think at best with them you would get the one big central behemoth and little experimental or niche servers that are as dependent on the central server as in a traditional social network. That is assuming they don't hobble the decentralization because investors decide it is costing them too much ad/data mining/click-based revenues