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I wholeheartedly approve of this message. Until we make progress on unfucking the Republican judiciary fuckery of the last 20 years, made orders of magnitude worse today. No more bringing knives to gun fights. #rant #uspoli
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Absolutely. I have participated in the regulatory process, mostly workplace safety. It's always been a balancing act of how far you can push it untill industry dumps a shit load of money to defeat you at the ballot box.

Now is the time to fight like hell for what we really need, and screw compromise.

in reply to LA Legault 🛑 doing genocide.

For sure! No other options until we have decades of success restocking the courts with better justices and get the cases through to them.
in reply to LA Legault 🛑 doing genocide.

That ultimately is the asymmetry of how this plays out. The PE/VC firms, big businesses, etc. will be doing this with much deeper pockets. We can't let them run the table so let's hope a big enough coalition can throw some sand in the gears here.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Problem: lawsuits cost money, and the bad guys have way more money than the good guys.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

yeah, actions have consequences and blowback is a bitch. I'm pretty sure this is not gonna go the way the conservatives believe it will.

This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to Darwin Woodka

@darwinwoodka Yes. I would love to see SCOTUS get in hot water tomorrow over this bs decision.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Maybe we can file a huge class action lawsuit? Poisoning the air and water with forever chemicals is kind of a big deal.
in reply to Cykonot

Sadly, the big firms that paid to get us this far. But adding some sand to the gears is better than letting them have free reign of this new legal regime until we can hopefully start turning things back. They *will* use this to their advantage. We need to as well. It isn't an outcome I wished for. It's the outcome we got. #uspoli #rant
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Also, class action lawsuits. If the gov't can't regulate these businesses, let's all start suing on grounds of harm.

Every, single, one, of these companies.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

I'm somewhat surprised other nations haven't started suing us for our wide variety of environmental destructions.