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Who else called it?

Sound off 🔈

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in reply to flexghost.

👋👋👋👋! I actually got into an argument with someone that Nimrata will fall in line! She is someone who votes third party or write in. So I was excited to send her this News 😂😂😂
in reply to flexghost.

An idiot with so much money they don't care 😠
in reply to flexghost.

I could’ve told you on 9/12/01 she would.
I’m really goddamn fed up with all the “maybe” people who think there are possibilities beyond the One, that is always the Worst when it comes to ANY Republican.
The line between “hope” and “utter fucking lunatic, deadly denial” is wide, but too many people have religiously decided the latter is the same as hope.

Any person who takes a “wait and see” approach with any one of dickbag Republican can hop into the sun. They aren’t allies.

in reply to flexghost.

She has always been a huge POS. She still thinks she will be his VP if, god forbid, he is elected.
in reply to PNW Deb

@DebR she might be a pos but at least…


What was that other thing I was gonna call her?

in reply to flexghost.

OMG!! Wait a minute, wasn’t she already going to vote for Donald Doofus…?
in reply to flexghost.

The press needs to start asking republicans who have condemned trump serious questions like: "Do you think trump is a threat to democracy? Do you think trump will get hundreds of thousands of people killed again? Do you secretly admire trump for being incompetent yet still getting votes? If trump launched nuclear weapons at NYC would you cheer?"

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in reply to flexghost.

"If trump killed your children, would you thank him?"

"If trump married vladimir pootin would you go to the wedding?"

The eagerness to lick his boots is disgusting.

Unknown parent

@Hey_Beth we called it before she quit. But it’s still gross. He Beth.
in reply to flexghost.

If you think about it, who else was Haley going to vote for?? As if she really had to say this…
in reply to flexghost.

so gross 🤢 the Republican Party is now the trump dictatorship.
in reply to flexghost.

you know what I mean 😂 I’ve been in the hot sun all day so my brain is mush. Shit I’m mush 😂 its been the trump dictatorship since at least 2016
in reply to flexghost.

GOP = fascist

Anyone still willing to call themselves Republicans are fascists. The voters, the politicians, all of them. They will fall in line and feed their family, friends and neighbors to the Gestapo when the time comes because that's who they are.

in reply to Urzl

@gooba42 they’ve had too much good faith for way past their expiration date
in reply to flexghost.

It just means Nikki Haley in in favor of dictatorship 🤷🏻‍♀️ and she doesn’t care about human rights and a free democratic world

At least people can see now where Nikki Haley stands for 🤦🏻‍♀️ Chaos and anarchy and a destruction of the USA

It’s incredible to watch 🙈 but it is going the wrong way with the US

#Trump #NikkiHaley #Elections2024 #ElectionsUSA #USA #US #Haley

in reply to flexghost.

There’s no political price to pay for supporting him, just like there’s no legal price to pay for mounting an insurrection 🤷
in reply to flexghost.

And this ignorant bitch thought we should vote for her? How the hell did that orange pig make so many brain-dead idiots?
in reply to flexghost.

It wasn't a tough call to make but it was mainly you that I saw that made it.
in reply to flexghost.

Stupid cunt is too stupid to see that everyone sees what a stupid cunt she is.
in reply to flexghost.

Because if she voted for Biden or RFK Jr,Trump would try to have her killed?
in reply to flexghost.

The only thing that comes to mind is a quote from Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does".
in reply to flexghost.

And the award for lying hypocrite of the year goes to . . .
in reply to flexghost.

Republicans have no shame. Trump, the criminal is their choice for President this November. He was convicted of sexual harassment, four times indicted, he supported the overthrow of our Government and he is accused of countless other charges. Common sense would say he should be kicked to the curb. But, common sense, morality, American values of brotherhood and ethical behavior is absent from these MAGA voters. Instead, they are reveling in the gutter.
in reply to flexghost.

I don’t know if I posted about it, but I knew it would happen. Kinzinger and Cheney were the only ones with enough courage to do the right thing.