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If I was in a solid Blue state, I would be voting for a third party candidate that was pro-Gaza. I do not, I live in a swing state. Therefore I sadly must vote Biden to save the planet.

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in reply to anubis2814

In the past, people used to organize vote trades for this kinda thing! Someone from a decided state would vote third party and the person in the swing state would vote Dems so people could feel like they voted their conscience but tried to keep the nation together.

I wish this would become more popular and known about again. It's a BS thing that we have to game the system like this, but it's good we can still work together!

in reply to anubis2814

Such an awful feeling! I love purple as a color, but damn do I hate being in a swing state!
Unknown parent

Paul Kidd
@Greenseer that may be the outcome but it still gives us more of a chance.
Unknown parent

Paul Kidd
@Greenseer every extra moment of not dying gives a chance that the situation can change. Voting other than Biden can mathematically really do nothing other than make Trump more likely to win and that is a certain disaster for climate and much else.
Unknown parent

Paul Kidd
@Greenseer I agree that it’s not a sustainable thing for ever. I think Americans need to change their electoral system, to push changes in opinion, to get involved in every level. It’s just that while bigger change is happening you have to deal with the next election. We’re relying on you because it affects all of us but we don’t get a vote.
Unknown parent