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I've spent a little time in both of these devices. I don't intend to buy either of them so I have no skin in the game. It could be argued whether Quest 3 is a better value because of the huge cost differential. But the better product? Umm's not even close in terms of experience. #AppleVision #Quest3 #VR
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Well, fanboys gonna fanboy, obviously. I've got a Q3, very happy with it. Would love to try a VP but I cannot ever imagine buying one. It's just too much money.
in reply to Rhysy

I mean when I had a VR headset the only thing I used it for was playing I'm not the target demographic for any of these devices. I assume eventually I'll find VR/AR resonating with me but right now it just doesn't.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Gee, the owner of the company producing a product claims it’s better than their competition? Go figure!

It’s pretty funny to me that before introducing their own headset Apple waited for Meta to pivot away from VR to AI.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

Yeah. Exactly.

To a certain extent I can see their point: they’re integrating real world into the device in ways that others have chosen not to.

In a lot of ways, it’s a classic Apple play: no need to rush to market first, just wait until the technology is close enough to viable, release a version that appeals to the thrill-seeker croud, then iterate like hell.

While I own a bunch of Apple products, I rarely buy first versions of a new category anymore. I think I will probably end up owning a Vision headset, assuming it pans out, but it will cost a lot less and do a bunch more. My thrill-seeking days aren’t in the consumer product space anymore.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

I find this whole presentation disingenuous. I really like my Quest 3 but I've never seen passthrough look like that, even in the best lighting conditions my house could offer.