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Trying for a 100% hydration this weekend. #Baking #Bread
in reply to ohmrun

Which bread type/technique you thinking of for that? I finally got a ciabatta that worked for me at 96%.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

That I were that precise. Cast iron Dutch oven on a pizza stone at 250°C-ish with 1/2 hour heating, 1/2 hour closed, half hour open.
resting time is wildly variable
Sourdough has confused my measurements a bit.
I didn't know until this week that higher hydration tends to more open crumb, so that's this week's tweek.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to ohmrun

Yeah also the sourdough, especially older starter, makes it not easy to do one for one swap in the calculation. It's not quite a liquid ingredient but a bunch of 100% discard is going to act much different than some freshly mixed 100% hydration material. On the ciabatta I had to get that precise on the mixing/kneading times. That was what was screwing me up with so many recipes. The stages were extremely sensitive. Dutch oven skillet bread style thing makes it way more forgiving and easier to do. Good luck!
in reply to Hank G ☑️

@hankg The thing of it is the balance between the gluten network and that which has been digested making gas.
in reply to ohmrun

For sure! Old starter, especially really old starter from the fridge, has obliterated all gluten at that point. But can't treat it just like water/juice/etc because it is still more viscous. Lots of trial and error to figure out effective hydration.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

@hankg Is all the faffing around with flour in the last run up essentially putting a shell on it? There's enough time for the network to develop, right?