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Has anyone else noticed VLC on Linux getting wonkier over the past year? Its gotten bad enough I started using the default media apps under Pop, Mint, and Ubuntu, instead of it. #vlc #linux

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in reply to Hank G ☑️

Didn't use VLC (although there wasn't anything I particularly disliked with VLC) since I found mpv, check it out!
in reply to Hank G ☑️

it hasn't had major release for some time, but what kind of wonkiness you have had with vlc?
in reply to Ilkka

Stuttering video playback, UI freezing up, having to kill and restart it after freezing.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

that sounds bad, haven't run the release version for some time, but I'll check it out if there is something known issues.
in reply to Ilkka

Just uninstalled the dev-build and installed #vlc 3.0.20.

Video playback worked ok with wayland environment and pipewire audio system with opengl video output.

You could try with '--reset-config' in case there is some funky config that goes sideways?

in reply to Ilkka

I even built a whole new VM in case it had gone wonky. Similar problems. It may be something that’s gone off with VirtualBox but Celluloid isn’t having these problems.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

both are using same video-output style (opengl, xcb, libplabebo or similar?)
in reply to Ilkka

I'm not sure. It is whatever the default configurations are in Mint and Pop.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

While playing a playlist, keep hitting the next video button pretty quickly (trying to find that one video) and it will crash after putting up a dialog box telling you something has gone wrong.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Celluloid (Linux Mint, probably elsewhere too) is just a front-end to mpv with too much real-estate on-screen and paltry options. SMPlayer as a front-end for mpv is to me far superior.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Only VLC uses xspf playlists. Much better to use m3u / m3u8. There are no good utilities to create xspf files. Best is to fill VLC queue, then save as xspf playlist. Not necessary to play the playlist.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Meh... I'm using an old version of VLC (2.2.2 - 2016) on my Slackware 14.2, so it isn't too buggy/wonky... yet.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Hello V.T. Why do you use Slackware? Do you have a particular application for it?
in reply to Hank G ☑️

in reply to Hank G ☑️

@V. T. Eric Layton 👍
That's it exactly - simple, not easy, but the documentation is quite clear.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Yes, docs are excellent for Slackware! Just gotta' remember to READ THOSE README files. ;)
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I was told before, every system having VLC is compromised too. Not sure if mpv is different.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Yes I did, ten years ago.
90% of my hardware is cheap and underpowered, I learned to use the right tools with lesser impact on the performance, VLC doesn't belong to them.

Instead I warmly recommend #MPV and only it, any other player based on it belongs to the bloated group.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

Slackware community is very in to knowing the system top to bottom. I'm in the middle. I use a portable ssd bootable Linux Mint with two NTFS partitions in my volunteer secretary role. So yep it's great to be able to keep delving in to the system but for me its more a question of not stuffing up the system ;- On the desktop I can try anything with no responsibility !
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Gettng back to VLC, it is open source you can examine how it works and compile it yourself. And if there were any dodgy stuff somebody would point that out.
in reply to hummingbird

As a professional software developer, open source contributer to several projects, and even someone who has done their own FOSS projects, I'm going to say absolutely not. This is not an area I have much expertise in. To get up to speed on that, this particular code base, etc. would be a monumental effort. It was hard enough debugging front end wrapper library in Flutter that I use which was way more in my wheel house. Most I'd do is add a bug to the bug tracker if there was a repeatable actionable specific bug that I find. General "this seems more unstable" is not going to be helpful to them through that vector.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

The point of my comment was that the tools are there to verify the integrity of the VLC product. That a given person is averse to using these tools due to perceived or actual inability does not invalidate the point. In a world where, as Paul Simon lyricised "Paranoia strikes deep in the Heartland", this particular fear that VLC presents a danger to a User can be dispelled.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Are you saying VLC is not a danger in terms of security? On the contrary. It is an attack surface in itself and the truth is that those gstreamer and codec packages required for playing media are well known for to be exploitable. This may go to other players as well.
It is how it is... Zero days and vulnerabilities are crucial for a certain industry and for certain organizations. Some of them just happen, some of them are made to be happen. They can be worth millions of $US in some cases. The more popular a software is, the better to have it backdoored (three letters folks attitude) - it's been like that for a while.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I ask you to detail even ONE backdoor in VLC and then do the right thing - advise the developers. Just ONE. And I don't mean 'assert', I mean DETAIL. - Thanks. Incidentally Zero Day Vulnerabilities generally arise out of malformed (badly formed) code, and can be a nefarious plant, or can be as a result of a coding flaw, such as buffer-overruns, in a compiled-in library. The point is that the FOSS code can be independently compiled and tested, which is precisely what security research is about. FOSS is no guarantee of flaw-free code, but is a guarantee that the code can be vetted. This holds true for VLC.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

In other words, advise the developers before advising *diaspra=folk :)
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Yes, it's a good thing to have FOSS code instead of proprietary products. However, unfortunately, there always have been issues with VLC in the past - dozens of articles (older and newer ones) turn up when searching for VLC and security vulnerability. This indicates (if we do not look at it in a naive way) that it won't be different in the future (affecting the software that we may use right now). But it's not only about VLC. Even Chrome had eight zero days discovered last year. Still, I cannot name a more secure browser than Chromium (preferably Ungoogled).
in reply to Hank G ☑️

If there were no alternatives, and if the code was not being corrected, THAT would be sad. If you update your system according to a sensible schedule, the fixes are available, depending on your version of desktop, in a very timely manner. It is up to you to pick that desktop, and to keep it updated by applying security fixes automatically.