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I know I harp on the low state of our modern MSM and how screwed we are to the point where I annoy myself. I try to hold back nowadays but JFC...

#msm #uspolitics #ap #trump #biden #bothsidesism

in reply to Hank G ☑️

How tf do we fix it? Would somehow requiring "news" to be nonprofit fix this? Take the hunt for clicks and viral "takes" out of it? And CNN/FOX/MSNBC would have to go back to the actual news desk style coverage, instead of the tabloid style opinion shows they are now. 🤔🤷‍♂️ take the money out of it ... and politics too for that matter!
in reply to Bryan 🏳️‍🌈 Pixelfed

The good news/bad news is that this problem is as old as newspapers themselves. So I honestly don't know if there is ever a way to fix it versus make it less shitty. Getting the hedge funds and billionaires out would help if there were alternative funding streams. Sadly the only alternative funding streams right now are things like Facebook and Substack which are just the same billionaires and investor types as well doing the same shenanigans. And while I hashtag #BillionairesShouldNotExist there is little chance we'd ever get a tax code again that kept their gluttonous money/power grab at bay like we had in the mid-20th century.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

chaos = news = chaos = news = chaos
Fuck! The US is fibrilating.
“Rub, rub, clear!”
in reply to Hank G ☑️

You know, the terrible thing about the Trump early on hue and cry of "fake news" is that it was not very wrong if taken out of context. The problem was, the context was that of every accusation from the GOP being a confession.
in reply to ponyponypony

Like so many things with them up is down, black is white, and there is so much projection. The "fake news" cry started with Clinton about literal fake shit being reported, which got turned into "alternative facts" by KellyAnne Conway and Trump calling "fake news" on everything he didn't like. All the massive financial payments and corruption, like levels that Warren Harding's administration people would blush at, becomes "Hunter Biden's laptop and Biden getting millions from Jina". And as shown above, because the non-Murdoch mainstream press has no problem legitimizing the shit ginned up by the right wing operations it becomes "conventional wisdom" and the cycle repeats itself...