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Quds News: #Brown University has reached an agreement with student protesters to disband tent encampments, and it will hold a formal vote to divest from companies with ties to the occupation state of Israel. (A different approach than Columbia’s) @palestine @israel
in reply to Sherifa Zuhur

@Sherifa Zuhur But how will they get off without having cops beat a bunch of kids?

palestine group reshared this.

in reply to anubis2814


>>Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young "Ohio"


@Sherifazuhur @palestine

anubis2814 reshared this.

in reply to Sherifa Zuhur

Northwestern University did the same a day or so ago. The PDF of their agreement is in the article

Sherifa Zuhur reshared this.

in reply to Sherifa Zuhur

a formal vote? I mean does anyone think they will vote in favor of divestment?

Lets pretend Israel just started ethnically cleansing the land they have OCCUPIED for the last 70 years, slowly pushing Palestinians out of their homes.
Lets pretend this slaughter is the first, eh?

This suggests, what, that Brown, Columbia, etc etc, only just found out about the Palestinian occupation and ongoing genocide?? ITS BEEN HAPPENING FOR SEVENTY FUCKING YEARS!