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in reply to Hank G ☑️

Discounting (or aggressively ignoring human nature) or - even worse - applying one’s own problems to the roadmap is the cardinal sin of (any) product management.

Thinking “all users are like me” is a ubiquitous, problematic, and toxic phenomenon.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

100% agree, and this issue is made even worse by Mastodon making your home server so important to some core features! Want to search, or see likes, or see a more local timeline? Then you better have chosen well.

And I've switched servers... it's confusing, surprisingly unreliable, and it doesn't even preserve your posts or interactions. People saying "don't worry, you can just switch" are being ridiculously optimistic.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Scott Bronson

to be fair, email is also super difficult to switch servers. But at least I don't see anyone saying "don't worry if all your email is on gmail, you can just switch."
in reply to Scott Bronson

To be fair to Mastodon that is a fediverse-wide problem. Literally every network I've been on has the issue. If anything Mastodon has it the least and their account portability is the best. It is still not anywhere near where it needs to be though.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

A metaphor I like is comparing Mastodon, or the Fediverse, to entering a cafeteria and looking for a table (instance) to sit at. You can still have conversations with people at nearby tables, walk back and forth, even switch tables. And for some people, it may not make much of a difference.

But for a lot of people, whether they sit down at a fun table or not can make a huge difference in their experience, and especially their first impression.