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Kevin Kruse: "The current Supreme Court of the United States has just cemented its place in history as the most radical Supreme Court ever. For a century and a half, that dishonor has gone to the antebellum court led by Chief Justice Roger Taney, whose pro-slavery perversions of the Constitution brought us such indefensible decisions as the infamous Dred Scott ruling. The current court might not have issued a single ruling that rivals Dred Scott for sheer awfulness, but its broader record of capriciously overturning a much wider range of precedents and offering increasingly thin pretenses for its path of destruction puts the Roberts Court below the Taney Court in terms of its overall horrors." #scotus #uspoli
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Want to know what Pure Evil is? You're looking right at it.
in reply to Hank G ☑️


"The right-wing court is engaged in a radical revolution, and its objective is to rewrite modern American history. Through their rulings, the conservative justices are revealing what the American right has until recently tried to keep quiet, which is that the right doesn’t accept any of the major changes that have happened in American society since World War II. They have in their minds a fantasy version of 1940s America, even though almost none of them were alive at the time. What they yearn for is a nation before integration and civil rights, before women’s rights and reproductive rights, before gay rights, before the modern expansions of free speech and press freedom. Above all, they want a return to a less diverse America, a nation in which white male power was unquestioned. They want it so badly that they are willing to abandon democracy to get it."

in reply to Hank G ☑️ is a conspiracy of these justices to founder our country. They've proven their time to investigate and interrogate these conspirators against America. The enemy is within....