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First run since twisted ankle in November. Some observations:

a) holy shit am I out of shape

b) phone can now just ride in bra strap. awesome!

c) so out of shape

d) boobs are heavy? sports bra very necessary. there is way more bouncing and swinging than i expected.

e) parts of route enclosed by trees triggers The Fear now, which always surprises me

f) jfc i have no stamina any more

g) butt also bouncing, wtf?

h) felt so good to be outside and using my body again


in reply to Miriam Robern

I know what you mean! Early runs out after being off always suck. It gets better pretty quickly even if it takes longer to get back to prior fitness shape. Good luck with the rest of the injury recovery!
in reply to Hank G ☑️

@hankg For me, the *second* run after a longer break is always the hardest. I don't know what it is, maybe it's psychological, maybe I feel cocky and already regaining form after the first run, but the second run always sucker-punches me. :)
in reply to ticho

DOMS can cause that for me especially if I went out too hard on the first one.
in reply to ticho

@ticho @hankg Truth! It usually takes me a few weeks to really get back into the swing of things. By then my body starts craving the run.
in reply to Faith's boobs are too small :v_tg: :v_lb: :v_greyace:

Oh gosh, let's be clear: I did not RUN the whole way. I did 30/30 intervals for most of it, and there was an almost one-kilometer walk in the middle of that.

I absolutely could not run a half mile right now.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Miriam Robern

Well, I didn't run a half mile, either. I ran about a quarter of a mile, stretched, and ran back. I am finally starting to feel like I can try to go a little longer, soon. I'm just paranoid of not being able to make it back. 😅
in reply to Miriam Robern

Good for you! My goal isn't marathons. It's just to get some cardio on a regular basis so I can stay healthy. If I can get to where I'm running 5k a couple times a week, that's good enough. I'm trying to keep all my goals very manageable because my ADHD brain doesn't do well with exercise. 😅
in reply to Faith's boobs are too small :v_tg: :v_lb: :v_greyace:

@faithisleaping 5k every other day is my current goal, it's where I know I'm most comfortable.

I also know once I'm there, I'll start looking at races again, because I'm an idiot and there's really nothing like a ten-mile run through pretty scenery and friendly runners.

in reply to Miriam Robern

It's entirely possible I will, too. I've found self-actualization to be a bit addicting. Me trying (and succeeding) to loose a little weight 2.5 years ago is part of what cracked my egg. It started with "I can't change my gender but maybe I can loose a little weight and feel better about myself." Then I did and I was like, "Maybe I can change my body. Maybe I can change my gender..."

Starting to run and actually keeping up with it for a couple months has been similarly empowering. Who knows what I'll do once I can knock out a 5k with ease. 🤷🏻‍♀️​

in reply to Faith's boobs are too small :v_tg: :v_lb: :v_greyace:

@faithisleaping Oh, I never would have transitioned if I hadn't done marathons. It was the necessary foundation for me saying, "I'm going to do a thing with my body and it's going to be incremental progress for literal years, but it's worth it and I'm worth it."
in reply to Miriam Robern

i) post-run shower remains the best reason to go out and have a run in the first place