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Yesterday 4/25/24... was a really bad day for the rule of law and the United States system of justice....
although we don't yet know the outcome of the argument before SCOTUS... we do know they were extreme and corrupt in their thought and deeds... that Thomas was even seated was a travesty... that there was no real talk of trumps corrupt acts was a slight done on purpose.

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in reply to T.Wllms

FTA... The six conservative Justices left Donald Trump on the periphery for the most part, with the possible exception of Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

But make no mistake The case is all about Trump and whether he can be prosecuted for the most serious of his crimes against the American people, trying to hold onto power after losing the 2020 election. It’s also about the legacy of the Roberts Court and whether history will view the already unpopular Justices as the Court that gave away democracy.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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in reply to T.Wllms

Supreme Court Justices of the USA can be impeached.
in reply to Simon Lucy

@simon_lucy They won't be though! It's horrifying what's happening in the US right now!!!
in reply to OtownKim

The last time it was threatened was in 1969, and the Justice retired from the bench before it could take place.
in reply to Simon Lucy

@Simon Lucy
In 1969, it seems SCOTUS justices were able to feel shame. Not today.
in reply to T.Wllms

gave away democracy? Gave it away? You mean sold it, right?Clarence and Brett and Samuel, The Three Grifteteers. Right?


in reply to T.Wllms

best thing you’ll read on this below—SCOTUS has inserted itself into an election-AGAIN- and abused their power. Opinion by Jamelle Bouie
in reply to T.Wllms

It was gifted from someone on here...let me go back and find it
in reply to T.Wllms

I found the site you just copy and past the url for the article you can't read and it lets you read it...for ex: that one was only archived 3 hrs ago. So awesome....I think Cell Mama (I forget her full name on here) showed me this wonderful site.
in reply to Babs E. Blue

@BlueWaver22 If you download the app, you just click the app link when you are on the page you want to archive. Love this option!
in reply to EarthMomma

@LaNaehForaday Thank you! Earth Mama...where did I get Celll Momma?'s friday.
in reply to EarthMomma

@LaNaehForaday @BlueWaver22

it works wonderfully... unlike our current SCOTUS...

If there were ever a subject on which to defer to the founding generation, it is on this question regarding the nature of the presidency. Is the president above the law? The answer is no. Is the president immune from criminal prosecution? Again, the answer is no. Any other conclusion represents a fundamental challenge to constitutional government.