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Never joined #tiktok but now with #Friendica video only channel I've been seeing a ton of it, and seeing tiktok videos posted to the #fediverse and I can see just how fast misinformation can spread in a video only environment. If its about Ukraine, or Gaza I can't bring myself to share any of it because just like #TV #news, the more sensationalized the more clicks and shares it gets meaning its less likely to have any context at all. So like boycotting TV news(which you all should) I'm not going to be sharing any video news that will make your emotions run wild, aka #propaganda. Even if its propaganda for a good cause its still prevents people from thinking before feeling ensuring blind biases can take over thinking and reason.

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in reply to anubis2814

I have a long-standing policy of not clicking on video links here, especially if they seem sensational.
in reply to zulu

@zulu I mean in video format. I share a bunch of stuff so long as its not short video related including memes.