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Back in my early diet/lifestyle experimentation phase a decade ago a regular podcaster from the #paleo community I listened to was Angelo Coppola who had the Latest in Paleo podcast and the Humans Are Not Broken website. I decided to check out what he has been up to but unfortunately he seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth about 7-8 years ago. It seems the last thing was started formulating a plant-dominant paleo diet bringing in the grains and legumes that research has shown humans eating going back well before the agricultural revolution (actually to the beginning of our species and maybe before). Does anyone on the fediverse who is/was in the paleo community know what he is up to nowadays? Hope he is alive and well. His plant dominant paleo diet sounds very similar to a plant dominant #MediterraneanDiet minus olive oil, which is pretty solid. (Link on wayback machine because his website doesn't exist any longer) #AngeloCoppola #PaleoDiet #nutrition #diet