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Oh, god, he wants to show us his "wounds."

Please, sir, I'm begging you, with tears in my eyes, not the syphilitic lesions. At least you can spare us that.

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in reply to Hank G ☑️

@hankg It's true. I beat the bejaysus out of that poor fucking metaphor, I say, with tears in my eyes, a big, tall man, 6 foot four, with tears, sir, tears, in my big blue eyes.
in reply to thepoliticalcat

@hankg Only Trump would brazenly draw parallels between himself and Jesus. I was surprised he wasn't immediately struck down by a bolt of lightning.

thepoliticalcat reshared this.

in reply to Vulpine

@Tharpa @hankg It's not too late to PRAY, PRAY WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT! Fry that bastid!
in reply to thepoliticalcat

... Am I the only one who is now curious where he is going with the snake?

I love how people clapped for this snake - this snake that I'm pretty sure they also have never heard of or thought of before, but are eager to know what it is and why they will care very, very strongly about it in a few seconds.

thepoliticalcat reshared this.

in reply to Kyle Montanio

@FantasticalEconomics Oh, heavens, no! Surely the entire WORLD, all 8 billion humans on it, not to mention all the OTHER life, is awaiting the result with bated breath!